Corporate Risk Management

About the product
Due Diligence
Allow our team to investigate every aspect of a business prospect in Cambodia. Whether it be to verify a business’s location, their legal standing or their production capacity, our experienced team is ready to assist. With any matter you may have under consideration, allow us to confirm all facts and details for you.

Corporate Risk Management
Our staff is made up of both local and foreign agents who have the ability and experience to discern, expose and describe risks that have the potential of affecting your project or its outcomes. Our in-depth report will then determine the likelihood and outcome of the identified risks. Cambodia’s Open Development Program (ODP) growth, has led to the creation of almost 50 Special Economic Zones (SEZ), and it often happens that information/details about companies situated in these zones are limited due to language or work culture- these limitations are eradicated through our investigative methods which grant our clients clarity into the “on-the-ground situation”.
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